Monday, December 19, 2005

LAFD Emergency Preparedness Booklet

The 2006 LAFD Emergency Preparedness Booklet is available in color and in black and white. Download it from the News section at:

This is an excellent resource booklet. It tells you how to prepare yourself, your family, and your home for emergencies.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

CERT Backpacks and Fanny Packs

Backpacks and Fanny Packs designed for emergency use and supplies should be part of our survival equipment. ACS members might want to use these packs as part of their 72 hours kits.

A good source of well made but inexpensive packs is available at:

Emergency Survival Program (ESP)

The Emergency Survival Program (ESP) "Reduce Your Risk in 2006" focus sheets are at: