Monday, April 05, 2010

Drop, Cover, Hold On

DATE: 04/05/2010

MESSAGE: Recently, I have received several emails from people asking if, when there is an earthquake, they should stand or lie down near a sofa or get underneath a doorway.

Official rescue teams from the U.S. and other countries who have searched for trapped people in collapsed structures around the world, as well as emergency managers, researchers, and school safety advocates, all agree that "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" is the appropriate action to reduce injury and death during earthquakes.

Methods like standing in a doorway, running outside, and "triangle of life" method are considered dangerous and are not recommended.

See and

Please share this information with your families, friends, neighborhoods and businesses.

Also, go to and sign up for the Great California ShakeOut on October 21 at 10:21 a.m.

Linda Underwood for

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